Victoria Arduino and Ditta Artigianale bring specialty coffee to the PITTI IMMAGINE publishing fair.

Pitti Immagine appointed Ditta Artigianale and Victoria Arduino to curate the coffee experience at TESTO [How a book is made], a three-day event dedicated to contemporary publishing, held last weekend at Stazione Leopolda in Florence.

Every Pitti Immagine event is a celebration of inspiration, aesthetics, cultural dialogue and innovation. At TESTO 2025, the Ditta Artigianale and Victoria Arduino coffee shop in the VIP Lounge offered publishers, writers, and book lovers an immersive sensory journey. Guests explored the rich flavours of Ditta Artigianale’s specialty coffees, brewed to perfection using the E1 Prima espresso machine by Victoria Arduino, an elegant blend of high performance, energy efficiency and minimal design.

With its visionary approach, Pitti Immagine once again proved that seemingly distant worlds, publishing, coffee, and design, can come together to create new forms of expression, leaving a lasting mark on contemporary culture.

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