New easycream Eagle Tempo: up to 9 milk recipes for increased productivity and easy of use

Eagle Tempo the professional espresso machine designed for cafes, restaurants, roasters, chains, pastries and bakeries, has updated and developed its Easycream technology with new features that speed up the workflow and make it even more efficient, thus increasing productivity.

The innovation of Easycream lies in the improvement of the user experience and therefore the speed of beverage preparation. You can create and set up to 9 milk/plant based drinks recipes, select them directly from the display home page and then start dispensing steam using the push&pull lever.

Two different display visualization modes for point of sale needs:

Easycream display mode for those with high productivity and a large menu of milk/plant based drinks: a new fullscreen display mode to quickly select up to 9 recipes and/or origins of the drinks to be prepared. Furthermore, to ensure the consistency of the beverage, during the preparation phase the display always shows the product temperature inside the jug. For coffee extraction, this display mode guarantees visualization of the shot time to always be sure of a consistent extraction with the ranges of your point of sale/chain.

Coffee display mode for locations with high productivity of milk/plant based drinks and coffee.

For those who have a wide range of both milk and coffee-based drinks, the ‘coffee’ display mode gives you control of both the espresso delivery, thanks to the information on the group temperature and shot time, and the Easycream recipe set. In fact, the Easycream icon shows a number from 1 to 9 corresponding to the pre-set milk/plant-based recipes and numerically ordered in the ‘recipes’ section. This display mode is also useful for those who have a high production of milk/plant-based drinks with a very high percentage production on two/three milk recipes.

Discover how easy it is to work with Easycream: