A bike journey to choose the perfect coffee machine

A bike journey to choose the perfect coffee machine

💬“Hi Marco, not long now!”

“Hi Francesco, not long now, but it looks like we haven’t got our machine yet!”

💬“Well, of course. I’ll come and get it on my bike.”

“Ok, I’ll wait for you.”

This is the conversation before Francesco Sanapo set off on a bike journey from Florence to Belforte del Chienti to choose a Victoria Arduino coffee machine for his fifth coffee shop. black eagle maverick ditta artigianale. We met up with him when he arrived at the company to try out the new Black Eagle Maverick.

Three venues (Via Dei Neri, Via Dello Sprone and Lungarno Severini) are positioned at strategic points for tourism in Florence, with the coffee shop and coffee school Ditta Artigianale has come to Piazza Sant’Ambrogio in the heart of Florence and now “with the point of sale in piazza Ferrucci, it will feel like going into Florentines’ houses. Because we chose a building and a historical place in Florence where several generations share a lifelong memory. There used to be an old brewery there – the only one in the city”. That was the start of our conversation with Francesco Sanapo, who, dressed in his cycling kit, was tasting the Ditta Artiginale coffee prepared on a Black Eagle Maverick.

“The shop in Piazza Ferrucci stays as a meeting point – Francesco told us – it used to be a place to have a beer. From Thursday 30 March it will be a specialty coffee shop offering different types of coffee and different ways of drinking it, where you can buy bread and newspapers, taste pastries and relax in a 300m2 private garden. A magic location”.

Every Ditta Artigianale coffee shop has its own style, distinctive design and style “because they represent my personality and my constant desire to move on. Also, what we do is find out more about the history of the place where our shop is and bring its soul back. Conceptually, nothing changes because the mission stays the same: to raise the quality of Italian coffee shops in the hope of becoming an example to follow”.

Coming back to his bike journey all the way to Belforte del Chienti to choose an espresso coffee machine to install in the Piazza Ferrucci shop, Francesco is very clear about what he wants: Black Eagle Maverick “because the place won’t only be espresso oriented. Our customers have always been mainly filter coffee drinkers and in the Piazza Ferrucci shop, we want to discover PureBrew and combine this new extraction method with our mixology”.

The shop in Piazza Ferrucci has been designed for the Florentines “with the aim – remembers Francesco – of entering more and more into the hearts of Florentines. A lot of people in the city remember that old brewery, and I’ve decided to bring it back to life and give back to Florence what was important for Florence”.