Dario Ciarlantini and Andrea Cremone battled out their skills and creativity on the Victoria Arduino Instagram page. Who will be the next contenders?
Victoria Arduino launched an Insta-challenge with some influential personages of the coffee industry. With the world forced into quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Victoria Arduino proposed to some coffee specialists to battle out themselves in various difficulty levels. The challenges demonstrate that even in the safety of one’s home, everyone can prepare an excellent cup of coffee or milk-based drink while being active, resourceful, and unleash inner creativity.Here are the trials Victoria Arduino proposed:
- Challenge #1 LATTE ART: Prepare the best latte art possible
- Challenge #2 GRINDING AT HOME: extract a coffee starting with only the coffee beans, without using an electric nor manual grinder
- Challenge #3 HOMEMADE DESSERT: prepare a coffee-based dessert (tiramisu’, the typical coffee-based dessert, is not accepted in this challenge)
- Challenge #4: DRAW WITH COFFEE: the best drawing made with coffee beans or ground coffee under one condition, the coffee must be capable of being reused.
To follow the battle of the coffee masters, join us on the Victoria Arduino Instagram page and send us your comments and suggestions.